Issue Submission is Now Open!
Published: November 25, 2024
The Issue Submission Process is now open and will remain open until December 24, 2024.
We are pleased to share that we have worked closely with Share-ify over the past few months to create a new platform that we believe is more user friendly and intuitive than the previous platform!
Unlike the previous solution, Share-ify requires login to submit an issue. To login, you will need to use the email address that CFP has on file for you. If you need to update this information, please click the following link:
To login to Share-ify to submit an issue, please click here:
When you click on the link above, you will be automatically directed to the CFP Group Page. A user guide is available to answer most - if not all - questions that you might have about the new Issue Submission process. If you still have questions or would like to reach out to the Issue Committee for any reason at all, you are welcome to do so. Please email
If you are not a CFP member, please see instructions below in the section entitled "Not a CFP Member."
To login to Share-ify for the first time, please follow these instructions:
· Selecting "Forgot Your Password" below "Login", then enter your email address.
· An email will be sent to you with a link to click on and choose your new password.
· Click the link and establish your password. It must be at least 12 characters and have 1 upper case, 1 lower case, 1 number and 1 special character.
Not a CFP Member
If you are not a CFP member, please click the following link and complete the form to be set up with temporary access to the CFP Group for Issue submission.
Contact for Issues Committee
The current Issue Chair is Patrick Guzzle, and his email and phone contact are: and (208) 515-8688. Patrick is happy to receive emails, calls, or text messages.
The current Issue Vice Chair is Linda Zaziski and her email is
We look forward to working with you during this time of Issue submission and preparation.