Conference for Food Protection

2023 Biennial Meeting

Issue View | Council I | 2023 Biennial Meeting

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Issue Number: Council I 001

Issue History

This issue was submitted for consideration at a previous biennial meeting, see issue: 2020-l-004 ; new or additional information has been included or attached .


Report – CFP-ISSC JSC Issue #1

Issue you would like the Conference to consider

The CFP-ISSC Joint Shellfish Committee seeks acknowledgement of the committee's report, with thanks to the members of the committee for their work.

Public Health Significance

The previous CFP Shellfish Committee identified the lack of shellstock tag and shellstock illness investigation resources available for state and local retail food inspectors and retail food establishments. Delays in investigating a foodborne disease outbreak can occur when shellstock tags are not properly maintained as required by the FDA Food Code. Retail food establishments must understand the importance of shellstock tags and have adequate best practice documents on how to properly maintain shellstock tags to protect public health. Timely investigation of Vibrio parahaemolyticus (Vp) cases by State and local health officials are often impeded by unsuccessful efforts to determine product source. Incidences of Vp illnesses associated with molluscan shellfish consumption have increased and continue to be a significant challenge to health authorities. A toolkit for state and local inspectors can assist in gathering the needed data during an investigation, prevent illnesses, and could increase the accuracy of growing area closures.

Recommended Solution: The Conference recommends...

1. Acknowledgment of the CFP-ISSC Joint Shellfish Committee Final Report.

2. Thank the committee members for their diligent work on the development of a significant number of best practices and guidance documents to further the joint effort between retail food establishments and regulators to protect public health.

3. Disband the committee; all assigned charges have been completed.

Content Documents

Supporting Attachments

Submitter Information 1

Name Barry Parsons
Organization Cenza, Inc
Address 25 Swinehart Road
Gilbertsville, PA 19525
Telephone 717-419-5103

Submitter Information 2

Name Joe Graham
Organization Washington State Department of Health
Address PO Box 47824
Olympia, WA 98504
Telephone 360-338-2717

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