Issue View | Council II | 2020 Scribe Packet
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Issue Number: Council II 024
Issue History
This is a brand new Issue.
PSC Issue #6 Amend Standard 2 Appendix B-1 format
Issue you would like the Conference to consider
The current formatting of Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards (VNRFRPS or Standards) Standard 2: Trained Regulatory Staff, Appendix B-1: Curriculum for Retail Food Safety Inspection Officers implies the course listed is the only course that will fulfill the training requirement.
There is the possibility of change in learning management system (LMS) platforms used by the FDA resulting in course availability issues and other comparable courses may be needed as substitutions. In addition, many of the courses listed in Appendix B-1 were developed over 10 years ago.
Public Health Significance
Many health authority jurisdictions use Option 1 (the courses in Appendix B-1) to meet Step 1: Pre-Inspection Curriculum of Standard 2. If courses currently listed in Appendix B-1 are no longer available, jurisdiction will not be able to use Option 1.
The FDA has a contract with International Food Protection Training Institute (IFPTI) to develop a curriculum framework and associated coursework for food protection professionals as part of the Food Safety Modernization Act. The IFPTI courses, developed by subject matter experts, are more up to date than ComplianceWire courses and are being updated to include contemporary eLearning course design and technologies creating a more interactive experience for the learner resulting in better retention of the material. Many of these courses can be used to meet the curriculum requirements of Standard 2.
Reformatting of Appendix B-1 to change course titles to curriculum topics and listing courses which fulfill curriculum topics reinforces that alternate courses may be used to fulfill the topic.
Recommended Solution: The Conference recommends...
that a letter be sent to the FDA requesting that Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards, Standard 2: Trained Regulatory Staff, Appendix B-1: Curriculum for Retail Food Safety Inspection Officers be reformatted into a table with curriculum topics in one column and courses which fulfill the curriculum topics in another column. Appendix B-1 Reformatted 1st Draft and 2nd Draft better show that other courses may be used if deemed equivalent by the regulatory jurisdiction.