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Issue Number: Council II 017
Issue History
This is a brand new Issue.
PSC Issue #1: Report - 2018-2020 Program Standards Committee
Issue you would like the Conference to consider
The Conference for Food Protection (CFP) Program Standards Committee seeks Council II's acknowledgment of the committee's final report and thank the committee members for their work and dedication during the 2018-2020 biennium.
Public Health Significance
The Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards (Retail Program Standards) were developed to serve as a guide for regulatory retail food program managers in the design, management, and execution of a retail food program with the public health outcome of reducing foodborne illness risk factors. The Program Standards Committee is a standing committee reporting to the CFP Executive Board. The Committee provides ongoing input to the FDA on issues that arise with the Retail Program Standards. The Committee serves the Conference by indirectly assisting Retail Program Standards enrollees in making progress towards meeting the Retail Program Standards. The Committee continues to work with the FDA internal Program Standards working group and the FDA Clearinghouse Workgroup to clarify and address questions about the Retail Program Standards.
Recommended Solution: The Conference recommends...
1. Acknowledgment of the 2018-2020 Program Standards Committee Final Report; and
2. Thanking the Committee members for their work and dedication during the 2018-2020 biennium.
The Conference further recommends the Program Standards Committee, a CFP standing committee, be charged with the following during the 2018-2020 biennium:
1. Identify inconsistencies in language between all Standards in the Retail Program Standards;
2. Continue review of initiatives (existing, new or under development) involving the training, evaluation and/or certification of food safety inspection officers to ensure the sharing of information and eliminate unnecessary redundancy in the creation of work products or assignments of tasks/responsibilities; and
3. Maintain the "Crosswalk - Requirements for Foodborne Illness Training Programs" document as a resource for content baseline for foodborne illness training.
Content Documents
- "Program Standards Committee Final Report" (Original) (1)
- "Program Standards Committee Roster" (2)
- "Program Standards Committee Work Plan" (3)
- "Crosswalk - Requirements for Foodborne Illness Training Programs" (Original) (4)
- "Standard 8 - Proposed Model" (5)
- "Draft CFP Training Manual Revision" (Original) (6)
- "Draft Attachment A - CFP Training Plan and Log Revision" (Original) (7)
Supporting Attachments
- "Program Standards Committee subcommittee #1 final report" (1)
- "Program Standards Committee subcommittee #2 final report" (2)
- "Program Standards Committee subcommittee #3 final report" (3)
- "Program Standards Committee subcommittee #4 final report" (4)
- "Program Standards Committee subcommittee #5 final report" (5)
- "Program Standards Committee Online Supporting Documents" (6)
- "Standard 8 Summary" (7)
- "Standard 8 PowerPoint" (8)
- "Standard 8 Re-Evaluation of Staffing Level Model Pilot Study Report" (9)
- "CFP PSC Subcommittee CWG Questions" (10)
- "CWG Standard 4 Response" (11)
- "Standard 4 - Statistical Methodology" (12)
- "Partial Achievement Survey" (13)
- "Preliminary Plan Review Proposal" (14)
- "PSC Subcommittee #3 Meeting #1 Minutes 12 19 2018" (15)
- "PSC Subcommittee #3 Meeting #2 Minutes 1 09 2019" (16)
- "PSC Subcommittee #3 Meeting #3 Minutes 1 23 2019" (17)
- "PSC Subcommittee #3 Meeting #4 Minutes 2 06 2019" (18)
- "PSC Subcommittee #3 Meeting #5 Minutes 3 13 2019" (19)
- "PSC Subcommittee #3 Meeting #6 Minutes 4 10 2019" (20)
- "PSC Subcommittee #3 Meeting #7 Minutes 5 8 2019" (21)
- "PSC Subcommittee #3 Meeting #8 Minutes 6 12 2019" (22)
- "PSC Subcommittee #3 Meeting #9 Minutes 7 17 2019" (23)
- "PSC Subcommittee #3 Meeting #10 Minutes 8 14 2019" (24)
- "PSC Subcommittee #3 Meeting #11 Minutes 9 11 2019" (25)
- "PSC Subcommittee #3 Meeting #12 Minutes 10 2 2019" (26)
- "PSC Subcommittee #3 Charge 1 Training Evaluation and Cert. Initiatives" (27)
- "PSC Subcommittee #3 Charge 2 Appendix B-1 Reformatted 1st Draft" (28)
- "PSC Subcommittee #3 Charge 2 Appendix B-1 Reformatted 2nd Draft" (29)
- "PSC Subcommittee #3 Charge 2 IFPTI Course Review" (30)
- "PSC Subcommittee #3 Charge 3 Quality Elements Cross-referenced" (31)
- "IFSS Curriculum Framework" (32)
- "B2 Allergens IFPTI Course Profile" (33)
- "B17 Laws Regulations IFPTI Course Profile" (34)
- "B23 Public Health Principles IFPTI Course Profile" (35)
- "B25 Sampling IFPTI Course Profile" (36)
- "B26 Sanitation Practices IFPTI Course Profile" (37)
- "B8 Environmental Hazards IFPTI Course Profile" (38)
- "B12 Integrated Food Safety System IFPTI Course Profile" (39)
- "B15 Jurisdiction IFPTI Course Profile" (40)
- "B16 Labeling IFPTI Course Profile" (41)
- "B19 Pest Control IFPTI Course Profile" (42)
- "B20 Plumbing IFPTI Course Profile" (43)
- "B22 Professionalism IFPTI Course Profile" (44)
- "B24 Recalls IFPTI Course Profile" (45)
- "B27 Traceability IFPTI Course Profile" (46)
- "B28 Transportation IFPTI Course Profile" (47)
- "Draft 2017 VNRFRPS Self-Assessment Audit Form" (48)