Conference for Food Protection

2020 Biennial Meeting

Issue View | Council II | 2020 Scribe Packet

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Issue Number: Council II 005

Issue History

This issue was submitted for consideration at a previous biennial meeting, see issue: 2018 II-24 ; new or additional information has been included or attached .


Report-Constitution ByLaws and Procedures Committee (CBPC)

Issue you would like the Conference to consider

At the 2018 Biennial Meeting the CBPC was charged with:

1. Review the Conference for Food Protection governing documents (Conference for Food Protection Constitution and Bylaws, Conference Procedures, Conference Biennial Manual, position descriptions, conference policies, etc.) to facilitate a merger and conformance of these documents into a comprehensive "Conference for Food Protection Manual." (Issues 2012-II-001, 2012-II-004, 2014-II-018 and 2016-II-026)

2. Review membership and constituency at-large members on all committees and offer recommendations on how to address the quantity and functionality of committees

3. Report back to the Executive Board; and submit recommendations as Issues at the 2020 Biennial Meeting

Public Health Significance

The Constitution, Bylaws and Procedure Committee shall submit recommendations to improve the Conference administrative functions through proposals to amend the Constitution and Bylaws.

The CFP Constitution is our foundational document; and therefore needs to be unassailable.

Recommended Solution: The Conference recommends...

Acknowledgement of the 2018-2020 Constitution Bylaws and Procedures Committee Final Report and thanking the committee members for their hard work.

Content Documents

Supporting Attachments

Word File