Conference for Food Protection

2020 Biennial Meeting

Issue View | Council II | 2020 Scribe Packet

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Issue Number: Council II 004

Issue History

This is a brand new Issue.


Limit CPFM accredited exam certificate validity to four years

Issue you would like the Conference to consider

Accredited exams for the Certified Food Protection Manager (CPFM) expire at five years from issue. This has been the case since before the Conference began meeting. The FDA Retail Food Code is published every four years. Reducing the valid period for the exam certificate will better synchronize the knowledge the Person In Charge must demonstrate to regulators with the knowledge demonstrated at the time of testing for the exam. A significant number of people could skip an entire Food Code update without being tested on it.

Public Health Significance

The impact to the industry will include

  1. CPFMs with more current and accurate information who will be able to make good decisions about food safety practices.
  2. In a span of twenty years in the industry a CPFM who keeps their certification current will take only one additional exam, so cost is minimal.
  3. Many large corporations and franchisees require their managers to recertify every three years, so no impact on them.

The impact to the regulatory agencies will be interacting with more knowledgeable Persons in Charge who better understand current food safety strategies.

Recommended Solution: The Conference recommends...

that accredited testing organizations validate their Certified Food Protection Manager examination certificates for a time period not to exceed four years from date of issuance, aligning knowledge demonstration by examination with the routine four year update and publication of the FDA Retail Food Code.

Word File