Issue View | Council III | 2020 Scribe Packet
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Issue Number: Council III 033
Issue History
This is a brand new Issue.
Standardization for the Critical Limit and pH Monitoring of Acidified Rice
Issue you would like the Conference to consider
A recommendation is being made to amend the 2017 FDA Food Code, Section 3-502 to include specific parameters for the target pH and pH testing method of white rice acidified to render it as a non-time/temperature control for safety food. The ability to hold acidified white rice at room temperature is of critical importance for the production of sushi as the texture of room temperature white rice is much more conducive to the rolling and forming of sushi rolls.
Public Health Significance
The acidification of white rice is necessary to render it as a non-TCS food and control for the growth of Bacillus cereus, which can grow at a pH above 4.3 (Lee, 2014). The critical limits for the pH of acidified white rice and the techniques required to measure pH vary considerably between regulatory authorities. Standardizing requirements across regulatory authorities would provide consistency for providers operating in multiple jurisdictions and reduce confusion between regulatory authorities.
Recommended Solution: The Conference recommends...
...that a letter be sent to the FDA recommending the most current edition of the Food Code be amended to include a standardized procedure for the requirements of a HACCP for acidified white rice. The clarifying language for written procedures as follows (new language is underlined):
Bacillus cereus Controls
3-502.13 Acidified White Rice pH Measurement and Critical Limit Criteria
A FOOD ESTABLISHMENT operating under a VARIANCE from the REGULATORY AUTHORITY as specified in § 8-103.10 and under § 8-103.11 to acidify white rice as to render it a non-TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR SAFETY FOOD shall have a HACCP plan that includes:
(A) A description of the products produced;
(B) A recipe for the production of the acidified rice that specifies:
(1) The quantity of rice and water prior to cooking, and cooking instructions;
(2) The vinegar solution recipe including salts and sugars;
(3) The cooked rice to vinegar solution ratio that is to be thoroughly mixed to acidify the rice;
(4) The cooked and acidified rice shall have a targeted pH of 4.1, and a CRITICAL LIMIT of 4.3
(5) The vinegar solution shall be added to the rice within one hour of cooking.
(C) The method used to determine the pH of the cooked, acidified rice that includes the following:
(1) Conducting the pH test within one hour after acidification of the cooked rice and as often as necessary to assure a targeted pH of 4.1, and a CRITICAL LIMIT of 4.3.
(2) Making a rice slurry by gathering one-quarter cup of the cooked acidified rice consisting of five samples taken from the four corners and center of the batch and adding one-half cup of distilled water cup or other UTENSIL OR SINGLE-SERVICE ARTICLE.
(3) Blending the slurry with a UTENSIL for approximately twenty seconds to create a thorough mix.
(4) Inserting a pH probe or pH paper into the liquid portion of the slurry to ensure a pH of 4.3 or less is achieved.
(D) This acidified white rice shall have a shelf life of a maximum of 24 hours.