Issue View | Council III | 2020 Scribe Packet
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Issue Number: Council III 029
Issue History
This is a brand new Issue.
3-306.13 Consumer Self-Service Operations
Issue you would like the Conference to consider
The 2017 FDA Food Code allows Raw, Frozen, shell-on shrimp or lobster in a consumer self-service but does not allow raw meat. Overwrapped raw animal foods, such as beef, lamb, pork, poultry, and fish are no riskier to the public health of shoppers than if they buy unpackaged product. These overwrapped products leak and have meat juice on the outside of them in the preparation of the packaging itself. Consider the removal of 3-306.13 (A) and changing 3-306.13 (B) to be changed to all food requiring suitable utensils, not just READY-TO-EAT FOODS.
Public Health Significance
The risk of raw animal products has no higher of a risk than section (2) or (3) of this violation, which are exemptions and allowable:
"(2) Ready-to-cook individual portions for immediate cooking and consumption on the PREMISES such as CONSUMER-cooked MEATS or CONSUMER-selected ingredients for Mongolian barbecue; or (3) Raw, frozen, shell-on shrimp, or lobster. "
In fact, neither (2) or (3) state they must be provided with suitable utensils as (B) only mentions READY-TO-EAT FOODS therefore there is no protection again cross contamination.
Recommended Solution: The Conference recommends...
A letter be sent to FDA requesting that Section 3-306.13 of the most current edition of the Food Code be amended as follows:
3-306.13 Consumer Self-Service Operations.
(A) Raw, unPACKAGED animal FOOD, such as beef, lamb, pork, POULTRY, and FISH may not be offered for CONSUMER self-service. P
This paragraph does not apply to:
(1) CONSUMER self-service of READY-TO-EAT FOODS at buffets or salad bars that serve FOODS such as sushi or raw shellfish;
(2) Ready-to-cook individual portions for immediate cooking and consumption on the PREMISES such as CONSUMER-cooked MEATS or CONSUMER-selected ingredients for Mongolian barbecue; or
(3) Raw, frozen, shell-on shrimp, or lobster.
(B) CONSUMER self-service operations for READY-TO-EAT FOODS shall be provided with suitable UTENSILS for effective dispensing methods that protect the FOOD from contamination. Pf
(C) CONSUMER self-service operations such as buffets and salad bars shall be monitored by FOOD EMPLOYEES trained in safe operating procedures. Pf