Issue View | Council III | 2020 Scribe Packet
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Issue Number: Council III 006
Issue History
This is a brand new Issue.
DTCDC #3 Request Food Code Annex be amended to include guidance document
Issue you would like the Conference to consider
Inclusion of a reference to the committee generated "Guidance Document for Direct-to-Consumer and Third-Party Delivery Service Food Delivery" in the FDA Food Code Annex.
Public Health Significance
This guidance document provides food safety best practices for managing or performing direct to consumer (DTC) or third-party delivery (TPD) services.
Issue # 2018-III-006 also charged the committee to "Determine appropriate methods of sharing the committee's work, including but not limited to a recommendation that a letter be sent to FDA requesting that the Food Code, Annex 2 (References, Part 3-Supporting Documents) be amended by adding references to the new guidance document.
Recommended Solution: The Conference recommends...
The Conference recommends a letter be sent to FDA requesting that the most recent edition of the Food Code be amended to include a reference to the "Guidance Document for Direct-to-Consumer and Third-Party Delivery Service Food Delivery" as follows:
Annex 2-References, Part 3-Supporting Documents
W. Guidance Document for Direct-to-Consumer and Third-Party Delivery Service Food Delivery, 2019
Companies that engage in direct-to-consumer and third-party delivery service food delivery have increased in recent years. In 2018 the Conference for Food Protection recommended formation of a committee to revise the existing guidance for direct-to-consumer (mail order) food companies to include guidance for companies engaging in third-party delivery serviced for food delivery. This guidance document provides food safety best practices for managing or performing Direct to Consumer (DTC) or third-party delivery (TPD) services.
Note: The guidance document referenced is attached to Issue titled: Report of the Direct to Consumer Delivery Committee.