Issue View | Council II | 2020 Biennial Meeting
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Issue Number: Council II 023
Issue History
This issue was submitted for consideration at a previous biennial meeting, see issue: 2018 II-014 ; new or additional information has been included or attached and the recommended solution has been revised .
PSC #5 Continuation of Issue 2018 II-014 PSC2
Issue you would like the Conference to consider
The Program Standards Committee recommends continuation of Issue 2018 II-014, charge 1, to have the FDA work with the Program Standards Committee (PSC) to incorporate plan review in the Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards (VNRFRPS).
Public Health Significance
Plan review helps ensure retail food establishments are designed to have adequate facilities, systems, and equipment to safely store, prepare and serve food. The plan review function supports behaviors that reduce the occurrence of risk factors associated with foodborne illness.
Lack of plan review or incomplete plan review may result in conditions that contribute to foodborne illness, such as a lack of proper equipment to properly store or hold food at safe temperatures, unsanitary conditions that promote pest infestation, contamination from employees, raw animal foods, unclean food contact surfaces, etc.
Recommended Solution: The Conference recommends...
1. The Program Standards committee and FDA staff continue to explore the feasibility of incorporation of plan review functions into the standards either as a stand-alone standard or inserted into the existing standards in the VNRFRPS.
2. Acknowledgement of the Preliminary Plan Review Proposal document to be utilized as a starting point for the 2020-2022 Program Standards Committee work on this issue.
Supporting Attachments
Submitter Information 1
Name | Angie Cyr |
Organization | Program Standards Committee |
Address |
Minnesota Dept. of Health PO Box 64975 St. Paul, MN 55164-0975 |
Telephone | 651-201-5634 | |
Submitter Information 2
Name | Andre Pierce |
Organization | Program Standards Committee |
Address |
Wake County PO Box 550 Raleigh, NC 27602 |
Telephone | 919-856-7440 | |