Conference for Food Protection

2020 Biennial Meeting

Issue View | Council III | 2020 Biennial Meeting

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Issue Number: Council III 002

Issue History

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SHC-RPC - 2 Approval of Guidance Document for Roaster Pig Cooking

Issue you would like the Conference to consider

At the 2018 biennial meeting, Issue # 2018 III-023 charged the Safe Handling and Cooking of Roaster Pigs Committee with: "Developing a comprehensive guidance document for food handlers, particularly caterers, that include detailed best practices for roaster pig preparation. These recommendations would include proper handling, thawing, cooking, and temperature measurement of roaster pigs."

In addition, Issue # 2018 III-023 charged the Safe Handling and Cooking of Roaster Pigs Committee with: " Determining appropriate methods of sharing the committee's work."

The committee requests the Conference to consider approving the Safe Handling and Cooking of Roaster Pigs Committee's guidance document entitled "Whole Roaster Pigs: Guidance for the Safe Handling and Cooking." The committee would also like the Conference to include the guidance document on the CFP website in a downloadable PDF format with functional hyperlinks.

Public Health Significance

This guidance document provides practical recommendations for the safe handling, preparation, and cooking of roaster pigs. It contains a synopsis on lessons learned from previous outbreaks and a discussion on common handling and cooking practices of roaster pigs. This discussion describes the food safety risks associated with certain practices and practical recommendations to mitigate the food safety risks.

Recommended Solution: The Conference recommends...

The Conference recommends....

  1. Approval of the committee document entitled "Whole Roaster Pigs: Guidance for the Safe Handling and Cooking" (attached to Issue titled: Report - Safe Handling and Cooking of Roaster Pigs Committee);
  2. Authorizing the Conference to make any necessary edits prior to posting the document to assure consistency of format and non-technical content; edits will not affect the technical content of the document; and
  3. Posting the guidance document on the CFP website in a downloadable PDF format with functional hyperlinks.

Submitter Information 1

Name Erika Stapp-Kamotani
Organization USDA FSIS
Address 1400 Independence Avenue SW
Telephone 3015040835

Submitter Information 2

Name Susan Shelton
Organization Washington State Department of Health
Address PO Box 47824
Olympia, WA 98504
Telephone 5092121206

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