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Issue Number: Council II 022
Issue you would like the Conference to consider
The Conference for Food Protection (CFP) Program Standards Committee seeks Council II's acknowledgement of its committee report.
Public Health Significance
The Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards were developed to serve as a guide for regulatory retail food program managers in the design and management of a retail food program in our continued goal of reducing foodborne illnesses and the promotion of active managerial control of all factors that may cause foodborne illness. This committee was formed to work with the FDA Clearinghouse Committee to clarify and address language issues currently found in the Standards.
Over the past two years, the Committee has worked with the FDA Clearinghouse Committee and the attached report outlines the process and culmination of their work.
Recommended Solution: The Conference recommends...
1. Acknowledgement of the CFP Program Standards Committee Report;
2. Thanking the Committee members; and,
3. That a letter be sent to the FDA recommending that:
- the FDA continue to send the Retail Resource Disk to all enrolled jurisdictions and that a hard copy be provided to enrolled jurisdictions only if requested.
- the following documents be made available on the FDA web site:
- summary of Program Standards changes from 2007 and 2009
- the two most current versions of the Program Standards (currently, 2007 and 2009)
- all Supplemental Tools and Materials
- the FDA Data Collection Manual