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Issue Number: Council II 019


FPMTTC Committee - Revise Bylaws

Issue you would like the Conference to consider

The proposed revision to the Food Protection Manager Training, Testing, Certification Committee Bylaws includes:

  • adding training providers to the composition of the committee,
  • establishing that the quorum is based on the number of filled positions,
  • renumbering as needed, and
  • some clean-up language.

Public Health Significance

Food establishments have fewer critical risk factors when there are employees who have a Food Protection Manager Certification in accordance with the Conference for Food Protection's Standards, according to the CDC as stated in the endorsement letter to the Conference dated April 5, 2006, and referenced on the Conference Website. (

Recommended Solution: The Conference recommends...

adopting the Committee Bylaw revisions as proposed by the Food Protection Manager Training, Testing and Certification Committee. All new language is indicated in underline format; language to be deleted is in strike through.

Substantial revisions to the Food Protection Manager Training, Testing, and Certification Committee Bylaws are as follows:

Section 2. The Council II Chair shall select the Committee Chair and Vice-Chair. from the following groups that comprise the broad based representation of the Conference: regulatory agencies, industry, academia and consumer groups. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall not be selected from the same group affiliation.

Section 3. The composition of the Committee is a balanced representation of industry, regulatory, academia, certification providers, training providers, and consumers. The Committee shall consist of twenty-eight (28) members in addition to the Chair and Vice-Chair.

Subsection 1. Nine (9) Ten (10) representatives from regulatory agencies:

a. Two (2) Three (3) from State regulatory agencies;

b. Two (2) Three (3) from local regulatory agencies;

c. Two (2) from federal government agencies with retail food program responsibilities.

d. Three (3) Two (2) "At Large" appointments. (*At Large representation - agencies with primary regulatory food safety responsibilities or professional organizations whose mission incorporates a significant public health protection focus.)

Subsection 2. Nine (9) Ten (10) industry representatives;

a. Three (3) Four (4) from the foodservice (restaurant) industry;

b. Three (3) Four (4) from the retail food store industry, and

c. Three (3) Two (2) "At Large" appointments. (*At large selections may include professional or trade organizations that directly represent the restaurant, retail food, institutional foodservice and food vending segments of the industry and whose mission incorporates a public health protection component.)

Subsection 3. Three (3) Four (4) certification providers that are accredited by the Conference's accreditation process;

Subsection 4. Three (3) Food Protection Manager training providers;

Subsection 4 5. Two (2) representatives from academia, and

Subsection 5 6.Two (2) consumer/independent representatives/public members.

Section 9. A quorum to conduct Committee meetings and conference calls shall be the presence of one more than half of the filled fifteen (15) Committee positions members. A Committee quorum shall be considered a sufficient number for voting on issues under deliberations. The decisions resulting from a quorum vote shall be deemed representative of the Committee. In the event of a lack of a quorum, the Chair may vote to make up the quorum.

Non-substantial revisions to Standards Section 5, such as renumbering, can be found in the FPMTTC Committee Final Report attachment, Food Protection Manager Training, Testing, and Certification Committee Bylaws.

NOTE: The revisions with this Issue do not include the proposed Committee name change; this change is presented in a separate Issue.

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