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Issue Number: Council II 018


FPMTTC Committee - Name Change

Issue you would like the Conference to consider

Changing the standing committee name from "Food Protection Manager Training, Testing and Certification Committee" to "Food Protection Manager Certification Committee" with the acronym FMPCC. The proposed committee name better reflects the actual food protection manager certification program as written by the standards.

Public Health Significance

Food establishments have fewer critical risk factors when there are employees who have a Food Protection Manager Certification in accordance with the Conference for Food Protection's Standards, according to the CDC as stated in the endorsement letter to the Conference dated April 5, 2006, and referenced on the Conference Website. (

Recommended Solution: The Conference recommends...

1) Changing the name of the CFP standing committee
"Managers Training, Testing and Certification Committee" (as listed in the CFP Constitution and Bylaws), and
"Food Protection Manager Training, Testing and Certification Committee" (as listed in the FPMTTC Committee Bylaws)
"Food Protection Manager Certification Committee" in all CFP documents, including the CFP Constitution and Bylaws 2008 in Article XIV Committees, Section 2. Subsection 4:
Food Protection Managers Training, Testing and Certification Committee.

2) Adding a new article to the FPMTTC Committee Bylaws specifying the full name of the committee and re-numbering all subsequent sections:
Article I. Name.
The Name of the Committee is Food Protection Manager Certification Committee.

The Conference further recommends that all other references in the CFP Constitution and Bylaws, FPMTTC Committee Bylaws, and information on the CFP Website be updated to reflect the new full committee name or the acronym FPMCC.

Refer to the FPMTTC Committee Report Issue attachment Food Protection Manager Training, Testing, and Certification Committee Bylaws for complete proposed revision.

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