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Issue Number: Council II 015
Issue you would like the Conference to consider
The Food Protection Manager Training, Testing and Certification (FPMTTC) Committee was charged by the 2008 Biennial Meeting to evaluate Annex B Section B3 of the Standards for Accreditation of Food Protection Manager Certification Programs and to consider incorporating the training recommendations suggested by the committee as shown below:
"Annex B Section B3: Qualifications for Certification. In order to become a Certified Food Protection Manager an individual must pass a food safety certification examination from an accredited certifying program recognized by the CFP. To prepare for certification, it is recommended that the individual obtain training based on the content of the areas of knowledge prescribed in Paragraph 2-102.11 (C) of the FDA Food Code and content outlined based on job task analyses developed by accredited certification organizations."
The FPMTTC Committee discussed the suggested language and has recommended the following ALTERNATIVE wording for Section B3, which meets the intent of the charge:
(note: italicized words are defined within the Standards)
B3. Qualifications for Certification. To become a Certified Food Protection Manager, an individual must pass a food safety certification examination from an accredited certifying program recognized by the CFP. The CFP recognizes the importance and need for the provision of food safety training for all food employees and managers. The CFP recommends the content of food protection manager training be consistent with paragraph 2-102.11(C) of the most recent FDA Food Code. the CFP promotes the information contained in the FDA Food Code as well as content outlines based on job tasks analyses, provided on the CFP website, which may be of value in developing or evaluating training.
Public Health Significance
Assisting with the certification of food protection managers will promote continued reduction in critical risk factors at food establishments. Providing content guidance for training programs that prepare candidates for certification will further promote the success of food protection manager certification programs.
See also the CDC endorsement letter to the Conference dated April 5, 2006, and referenced on the Conference Website at
Recommended Solution: The Conference recommends...
revising the Standards for Accreditation of Food Protection Manager Certification Programs, Annex B, Section B 3, as noted below to clarify information available regarding food safety content to assist training program developers and evaluators.
note: new language below is in underline format; language to be deleted is in strike through
B3. Qualifications for Certification. To In order to become a Certified Food Protection Manager, an individual must pass a food safety certification examination from an accredited certifying program recognized by the CFP. The CFP recognizes the importance and need for the provision of food safety training for all food employees and managers. The CFP recommends the content of food protection manager training be consistent with paragraph 2-102.11(C) of the most recent FDA Food Code. the CFP promotes the information contained in the FDA Food Code as well as content outlines based on job tasks analyses, provided on the CFP website, which may be of value in developing or evaluating training. To prepare for certification, it is recommended that the individual obtain training. Based on the content of the areas of knowledge prescribed in Paragraph 2-102.11 (C) of the FDA Food Code.