Food Protection Manager Certification Committee Vice Chair Position Description

  • Acts in accordance with the current version of the Food Protection Manager Certification Committee Bylaws.
  • Reports to the Committee Chair (Chair) and follows the direction of the Chair.
  • In the event the Chair is unable to perform the duties of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall act as Chair. When acting as Chair, Vice Chair shall perform all the necessary duties of the Chair as outlined in the specified Chair's Position Description.
  • Assists Chair in selecting members of the committee from the CFP roster of applicants for Board approval.
  • Assists Chair in scheduling committee work and meetings, delegating assignments to the committee members, and ensuring committee work is completed on time.
  • Attends committee meetings by using technology available.
  • Strives to build consensus in committee's final decisions.As
  • at may be available to assist the committee in conducting business.
  • Works with the Chair and the accreditation organization for food protection manager certification programs to:
  1. Establish and refine policies and standards to which certifiers must conform in order for them to be accredited.
  2. Provide Conference input on accreditation standards for certifying organizations specific to food protection manager certification programs.
  3. Develop strategies for enhancing equivalence among food protection manager certificates issued by certifiers.
  4. Promote universal acceptance of certificates issued by accredited certifiers.
  • Works with Chair to develop the Committee's final report and Issues for the next CFP Biennial Meeting by the designated dates.

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