Conference for Food Protection

2020 Biennial Meeting

Issue View | Council II | 2020 Scribe Packet

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Issue Number: Council II 007

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CBPC #3 - At Large Committee Membership

Issue you would like the Conference to consider

Acceptance of the Draft of the revised version of the Conference for Food Protection Constitution and ByLaws 2018, Article XV Section 13.

Public Health Significance

Issue 2018 II-024 had a charge of: Review membership and constituency at-large members on all committees and offer recommendations on how to address the quantity and functionality of committees and submit recommendations at the 2020 Biennial meeting.

Council Committee size is virtually unlimited due to interest in participation. There have been council committees with as many as 80 members. It is imperative to for committee to complete the assigned charges. When there are unlimited members it becomes very difficult to have all "voices" heard during conference calls, it is very time consuming and impractical to take role, and is not an efficient way to conduct the business of the committee.

Having unduly large committees presents challenges and can impede conducting the business of the Conference of Food Protection.

Recommended Solution: The Conference recommends...

The Conference recommends....

Amending the Conference for Food Protection Constitution and ByLaws 2018 as follows:

Article XV Duties of the Committees

Section 13. Council Committee Size and Constituency: Council Committee membership discussion is limited to Council Committees only. Membership on Standing Committees or Executive Board Ad Hoc Committees is defined by the CFP Executive Board.

Subsection 1. Committee size.

Voting membership for Council Committees should be comprised of at least eleven (11) voting members with a maximum of no more than twenty-three (23) voting members. Non-voting membership should be comprised of at least six (6) alternates with a maximum of eighteen (18) non-voting alternates.

  1. Minimum size: Voting membership for a minimum size committee is the Chair, Vice Chair, o n e ( 1 ) representative from state regulatory, one (1) representative from local regulatory, two (2) representatives from industry, one (1) from an academic institution, one (1) consumer representative, and three elective (3) representatives which may be selected from any Conference constituency with an emphasis on expertise specific to the committee's charge(s).
  2. Maximum size: Voting membership for a maximum size committee is the Chair, Vice Chair, four (4) representatives from state regulatory, four (4) representatives from local regulatory, eight (8) representatives from industry, one (1) from an academic institution, one (1) consumer representative, and three elective (3) representatives that may be selected from any Conference constituency with an emphasis on expertise specific to the committee's charge(s).
  3. Any committee comprised of membership numbers between the minimum and maximum shall make every reasonable effort to maintain constituency balances.

    Subsection 2. Committee Membership Selection. The Council Committee Chair and Vice Chair of a Council Committee may be selected from any of the Conference constituencies as approved by the Conference Chair Council Chair and the Executive Board, provided each is from a different constituency. The Council Committee Chair and Vice Chair are responsible for selecting the voting members and alternates from the list of committee volunteers. If a Council Committee Chair does not receive sufficient volunteers in the appropriate constituencies, they shall confer with the Council Chair to seek volunteers from the Conference membership, making every reasonable effort to maintain constituency balance. The Council Committee Chair, in conference with the Council Chair and/or Executive Board, shall have the flexibility to fill vacancies in the voting membership with unbalanced constituency representation, if deemed necessary, to reach a minimum of 11 voting committee members. All proposed committee members must be approved by the Executive Board in accordance with Article XIII, Section 6, Subsection 4 of the Constitution and Bylaws. All voting members and alternate non-voting members shall be identified as such on the approved committee roster along with their respective constituency.

    Subsection 3. Alternate member duties. A maximum of 23 voting members are permitted on a council committee. All volunteers not selected for a voting position shall be offered an "at-large" non-voting position on the committee. There is no limit to the number of at-large non-voting members that may participate. At-large Alternate members will be included and allowed to participate in all committee functions, including but not limited to, meetings, conference calls, emails, deliberations, research and activities, but will not have an individual vote on committee actions. All voting members and at-large non-voting members shall be identified as such on the committee roster along with their respective constituency.

    Subsection 4. Committee voting member vacancies. In the event a Council Committee voting member departs such a committee during a biennial cycle, an at-large alternate member of the same constituency as the departing member shall be selected by the Council Chair to fill the vacancy, subject to approval by the Council Conference Chair and Executive Board in accordance with Article XIII, Section 6, Subsection 4 of the Constitution and Bylaws. If a Council Committee voting member changes constituency during a biennial cycle, and there is no vacancy in that member's new constituency, the member will need to transition from service as a voting member on that committee and may continue to serve as an at-large alternate non- voting member for the remainder of the biennial cycle. This transition will occur upon notification to the Council Committee Chair.

    Subsection 5. Committee membership continuity. The Chair of a council committee A Council Committee Chair that continues over more than one biennial cycle shall assess the immediate previous committee membership to ensure at least 50% of the ongoing committee's voting membership are new members that did not serve as voting members on the immediate previous committee. This will ensure that an increased number of at-large Conference members or others have an opportunity to participate as a voting member over time when there are a large number of volunteers.

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