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Issue Number: Council II 017


Program Standards Proposed Changes 2-CFP Governing Documents

Issue you would like the Conference to consider

The Conference for Food Protection (CFP) Program Standards Committee seeks constitutional assignment to the Executive Board as a standing committee as recommended by the 2012 CFP Issue 2012 II-021. The committee requests Council II's approval of proposed amendments to the language of both the CFP Constitution and Bylaws and CFP Biennial Conference Procedures where standing committees are addressed to include the Program Standards Committee as a standing committee with a statement of a defined purpose and function.

Public Health Significance

From a historical perspective, the Program Standards Committee has served as a CFP-identified stakeholder group to provide ongoing input and feedback to the FDA internal Program Standards working group and the FDA Clearinghouse Workgroup to clarify, address, and/or formulate resolutions to issues that arise with the Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards. The committee membership maintains a high level of knowledge and expertise with the Program Standards. The committee's accomplishments exemplify the importance of the CFP having a key role in ensuring that enrollees, both present and future, have the necessary tools and resources to progress forward with meeting the Program Standards.

A constitutional assignment of the Program Standards Committee as a standing committee was recommended by the 2012 CFP with Issue 2012 II-021. The assignment as a standing committee will further enhance the activities of the Program Standards Committee to work with other entities whose work/projects align with the CFP's goal to assist Program Standards enrollees in the design, implementation, performance, and assessment of a retail food program with measurable public health outcomes and enhanced partnerships with segments of the food industry.

Recommended Solution: The Conference recommends...

modification language to the CFP Governing Documents be incorporated as follows: (new language is underlined; language to be deleted is in strikethrough):

1.) Amending the CFP Constitution and Bylaws Article XIV Committees by adding a new subsection in Secton 2. and subsequent renumbering as follows:

Section 2. The following standing committees shall be established:
Subsection 1. Audit Committee;

Subsection 2. Constitution and Bylaws/Procedures Committee;

Subsection 3. Issue Committee;

Subsection 4. Managers Training, Testing and Certification Committee;

Subsection 5. Nominating Committee;

Subsection 6. Program Committee;

Subsection 7. Program Standards Committee;

Subsection 7. 8. Resolutions Committee; and

Subsection 8. 9. Strategic Planning Committee.

2.) Amending the CFP Constitution and Bylaws Article XV Duties of the Committees by adding new language in Section 7., and subsequent renumbering of Sections 7-9. The new Section is as follows:

Section 7. The Program Standards Committee shall report to the Board. The Program Standards Committee shall provide ongoing input to the FDA on issues that arise with the Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards.

Subsection 1. The Committee shall serve the Conference by indirectly assisting Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards enrollees in making progress towards meeting the Standards.

3.) Amending the Biennial Meeting/Conference Procedures Manual by adding new language in Section VIII B. 1. The new Section will read as follows:

VIII. Committees

B. Standing Committees

1. The following standing committees shall be established: the Audit Committee; Constitution and Bylaws/Procedures Committee; Issues Committee; Managers Training, Testing, and Certification Committee; Nominating Committee; Program Committee; Program Standards Committee; Resolutions Committee; and Strategic Planning Committee.

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