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Issue Number: Council II 008


Report - Certification of Food Safety Regulation Professionals Work Group

Issue you would like the Conference to consider

The CFP Certification of Food Safety Regulation Professionals (CFSRP) Work Group seeks the Conference's acknowledgement of its Work Group Report.

Public Health Significance

The Certification of Food Safety Regulation Professionals Work Group report submitted with this Issue as Attachment A provides a summary of the actions taken to address each of the following Conference charges:

- Review the 2006-2007 Assessment of Training Needs Pilot Project Report that resulted in the development of the current CFP Field Training Manual and Forms.

  • Work Group review and deliberations will assess whether additional revisions/updates are needed to the CFP Field Training Manual and forms. (See Charge #1 in Work Group report)

- Determine if an evaluation tool that mirrors the CFP Field Training process should be developed.

  • If such an evaluation tool is necessary, should it be incorporated into Standard #2 or left as a stand alone tool available from FDA's web site. For this initiative, the Work Group is charged to work in collaboration with FDA's Division of Human Resources Development. (See Charge #2 in Work Group report)
  • o Re-examine Step 4 of the current Program Standard 2 language as it relates to "standardization". Current language has raised some confusion among jurisdictions enrolled in the Standards as to what constitutes an acceptable standardization process. The Work Group will determine if the written criteria in Step 4 should be revised for clarification and, if so, submit a recommendation to the 2010 Biennial Meeting. (See Charge #3 in Work Group report)

- Review the criteria for Standard 2 - Trained Regulatory Staff, FDA Draft Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards to ensure it reflects the most up-to-date approach for training and standardizing Food Safety Inspection Officers (FSIOs) newly hired or assigned to regulatory retail food protection programs.

  • Re-examine Program Standard #2 time lines established for new hires to attain the specific milestones for pre-requisite curriculum, completion of field training, through standardization (Steps 1 - 4 in Standard #2). (See Charge #4 in Work Group report)
  • Charge transferred in 2008 from Council 3 - Assess the feasibility of incorporating an Allergen Management Course as part of the Standard 2 "Pre-Requisite Curriculum" and provide a recommendation to the 2010 Biennial Meeting. (See Charge #5 in Work Group report)
  • Determine if there is a need to include the requirement of 25 joint field training inspections as a specific criterion within Step 2, Standard 2. (See Charge #6 in Work Group report)
  • Assess the strengths/challenges associated with incorporating into Program Standard #2 curriculum requirements, courses related to Food Defense including National Incident Management Systems (NIMS) and Incident Command Systems (ICS) and provide a recommendation to the 2010 Biennial Meeting. (See Charge #7 in Work Group report)

In addition to this Issue requesting acknowledgement of the report, the CFP CFSRP Work Group has submitted 4 separate issues with recommended actions for the Conference to consider. A final issue with the recommendation for continuation of the CFP CFSRP Work Group and suggested 'charges' has also been submitted as a separate issue.

Recommended Solution: The Conference recommends...

acknowledgement of the Conference for Food Protection, Certification of Food Safety Regulation Professionals - Work Group Report included as Attachment A with this Issue. The Conference further recommends that an expression of thanks be extended to all the CFSRP Work Group members who diligently dedicated their time over the past two years.


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